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the market is neglected

  • 1 the market is neglected

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the market is neglected

  • 2 the market is neglected

    спрос отсутствует; покупатели не проявляют интереса к закупкам

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > the market is neglected

  • 3 market

    2) биржа
    3) городской рынок
    4) торговля || сбывать [продавать, реализовать] на рынке
    5) амер. специализированный продовольственный магазин (напр. мясной)
    6) рынок транспортных услуг
    7) объём потенциальных перевозок

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > market

  • 4 neglect

    1. [nıʹglekt] n
    1. 1) пренебрежение; небрежность, нерадивость, невнимание

    neglect of the child by the parents - отсутствие родительской заботы о ребёнке

    neglect of opportunities - пренебрежение представившимися возможностями; неиспользование выгодной обстановки

    excuse my neglect in returning your book - простите, что я вовремя не вернул вашу книгу

    neglect while on guard - воен. нарушение дисциплины на посту

    2) юр. халатность, упущение; недосмотр
    2. запущенность, заброшенность

    a child suffering from neglect - безнадзорный /заброшенный/ ребёнок

    3. забвение
    2. [nıʹglekt] v
    1. пренебрегать (чем-л.); не заботиться (о чём-л.)
    2. упускать, забывать; не выполнять (долга)

    to neglect to do /doing/ smth. - упустить из виду /позабыть/ сделать что-л.; не сделать чего-л.

    he neglected to wrap it /wrapping it/ - он не счёл нужным завернуть это

    you've neglected to clean your shoes - вы не потрудились /поленились, забыли/ почистить себе ботинки

    he neglected to follow instructions - он не выполнил указаний /приказаний/

    pardon me for neglecting to profit by your advice - простите, что я не воспользовался вашим советом

    3. не обращать внимания (на кого-л., что-л.); не замечать; игнорировать

    to neglect one's personal appearance - быть неряхой, не обращать внимания на свой внешний вид

    the market is neglected - ком. покупатели не проявляют интереса к товарам

    НБАРС > neglect

  • 5 покупатели не проявляют интереса к закупкам

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > покупатели не проявляют интереса к закупкам

  • 6 покупатели не проявляют интереса к товарам

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > покупатели не проявляют интереса к товарам

  • 7 спрос отсутствует

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > спрос отсутствует

  • 8 neglect

    1. сущ.
    1) а) пренебрежение, игнорирование б) небрежность complete neglect, total neglectполное пренебрежение parental neglectотсутствие заботы родителей о детях benign neglect Syn: carelessness, dereliction, negligence, thoughtlessness, disregard Ant: attention, care, concern, consideration, attentiveness, thoughtfulness
    2) заброшенность, запущенность
    2. гл.
    1) а) пренебрегать( чем-л.) ;
    не заботиться( о чем-л.) Syn: disregard, slight
    3. б) игнорировать, не обращать внимания( на кого-л., что-л.) That noble discourse had been neglected by the generation to which it was addressed. ≈ То поколение, которому была адресована эта изящная речь, не обращало на нее внимания.
    2) упускать, не делать( чего-л.) нужного;
    не выполнять своего долга He sometimes neglected that duty. ≈ Иногда он не выполнял этой обязанности.
    3) забрасывать, запускать Their own education has been neglected. ≈ Их собственное образование было очень запущено. Syn: forget пренебрежение;
    небрежность, нерадивость, невнимание - * of the child by the parents отсутствие родительской заботы о ребенке - * of opportunities пренебрежение представившимися возможностями;
    неиспользование выгодной обстановки - excuse my * in returning your book простите, что я вовремя не вернул вашу книгу - * while on guard( военное) нарушение дисциплины на посту (юридическое) халатность, упущение;
    недосмотр - * of official duty халатное отношение к служебным обязанностям - to be guilty of criminal * быть виновным в преступной халатности запущенность, заброшенность - in a state of * в запущенном состоянии - a child suffering from * безнадзорный /заброшенный/ ребенок забвение - to ensure against * спасти от забвения - to fall into * быть преданным забвению пренебрегать (чем-л.) ;
    не заботиться (о чем-л.) - to * one's studies забросить занятия - to * one's children не заботиться о детях упускать, забывать;
    не выполнять (долга) - to * to do /doing/ smth. упустить из виду /позабыть/ сделать что-л.;
    не сделать чего-л. - to * no precaution не преминуть принять все мерю предосторожности - he *ed to wrap it /wrapping it/ он не счел нужным завернуть это - don't * writing to your mother не забывайте писать матери - you've *ed to clean your shoes вы не потрудились /поленились, забыли/ почистить себе ботинки - I *ed to wind the clock я забыл завести часы - he *ed to follow instructions он не выполнил указаний /приказаний/ - don't * taking care of that cold не запускайте свою простуду - pardon me for *ing to profit by your advice простите, что я не воспользовался вашим советом не обращать внимания (на кого-л., что-л.) ;
    не замечать;
    игнорировать - to * one's personal appearance быть неряхой, не обращать внимания на свой внешний вид - to * modern art игнорировать современное искусство - *ing worldly ends презирая мирские заботы - he *ed his clothes он был небрежен в одежде - the market is *ed (коммерческое) покупатели не проявляют интереса к товарам ~ не обращать внимания (на кого-л., что-л.) ;
    he neglected my remark он пропустил мое замечание мимо ушей ~ упускать, не делать (чего-л.) нужного;
    не выполнять своего долга;
    he neglected to tell us about it он забыл (или не счел нужным) рассказать нам об этом ~ запущенность, заброшенность;
    in a state of neglect в запущенном состоянии neglect забвение ~ заброшенность ~ забывать ~ запускать, забрасывать ~ запущенность, заброшенность;
    in a state of neglect в запущенном состоянии ~ запущенность ~ игнорировать ~ не заботиться ~ не обращать внимания (на кого-л., что-л.) ;
    he neglected my remark он пропустил мое замечание мимо ушей ~ не обращать внимания ~ небрежность ~ невыполнение ~ недосмотр ~ пренебрегать (чем-л.) ;
    не заботиться (о чем-л.) ~ пренебрегать ~ пренебрежение;
    the neglect of one's children отсутствие заботы о детях;
    neglect of one's duty халатное отношение к своим обязанностям ~ упускать, не делать (чего-л.) нужного;
    не выполнять своего долга;
    he neglected to tell us about it он забыл (или не счел нужным) рассказать нам об этом ~ упускать, не делать ~ упускать ~ упущение ~ халатность ~ of duty невыполнение обязанностей ~ of duty халатность ~ пренебрежение;
    the neglect of one's children отсутствие заботы о детях;
    neglect of one's duty халатное отношение к своим обязанностям ~ пренебрежение;
    the neglect of one's children отсутствие заботы о детях;
    neglect of one's duty халатное отношение к своим обязанностям

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > neglect

  • 9 Wertpapiere

    Wertpapiere npl 1. BANK, BÖRSE, FIN securities, investments, (BE) stocks (Beteiligungs- und Gläubigerwerte, equities and debt securities); 2. RECHT investments Wertpapiere halten FIN carry securities Wertpapiere kaufen BANK go long Wertpapiere repartieren BANK scale down securities
    * * *
    npl 1. < Bank> investments; 2. < Börse> investments, securities; 3. <Finanz, Vw> investments ■ Wertpapiere aus dem Markt nehmen < Börse> buy up securities ■ Wertpapiere gesucht < Börse> securities wanted ■ Wertpapiere halten < Börse> carry securities ■ Wertpapiere kaufen < Börse> go long ■ Wertpapiere repartieren <Bank, Börse> scale down securities
    * * *
    securities, [commercial] papers, shares, stocks, bonds, descriptions (Br.), funds (US), (Bilanz) investments;
    ablösbare Wertpapier redeemable securities;
    absetzbare Wertpapier marketable securities;
    vom Markt aufgenommene Wertpapier digested securities (US);
    vom Markt noch nicht aufgenommene Wertpapier undigested securities (US);
    aufgerufene Wertpapier securities called for repayment;
    ausgegebene Wertpapier securities issued;
    über (unter) dem Nennwert ausgegebene Wertpapier securities issued above (below) par;
    ausgeloste Wertpapier drawn bonds;
    mit zusätzlicher Dividendengarantie ausgestattete Wertpapier assumed bonds;
    auf den Inhaber ausgestellte Wertpapier bearer bonds (securities);
    ausländische Wertpapier foreign [currency] securities, foreign stocks, foreigners;
    auslosbare Wertpapier callable (redeemable) securities;
    von Börsenvorschriften befreite Wertpapier exempted securities;
    begebbare Wertpapier negotiable instruments;
    nicht begebbare Wertpapier non-negotiable securities;
    hypothekarisch besicherte Wertpapier mortgage-backed securities;
    am Sanierungsverfahren nicht beteiligte Wertpapier non-assented bonds (securities, stock);
    bevorrechtigte Wertpapier senior securities;
    börsenfähige (börsengängige) Wertpapier marketable securities (stocks), quoted (stock-exchange, listed, US) securities, realizable stock, quoted investments (Br.);
    nicht börsengängige Wertpapier unquoted investments (Br.), unlisted securities (US);
    deckungsstockfähige Wertpapier securities eligible to serve as collateral;
    devisenbewirtschaftete Wertpapier Exchange Control Act securities (Br.);
    diverse Wertpapier miscellaneous (sundry) securities;
    dividendenberechtigte Wertpapier dividend-paying (equity) securities, securities entitled to a dividend;
    erst an zweiter Stelle dividendenberechtigte Wertpapier junior securities (US);
    dreiprozentige Wertpapier (Börse) threes, three-per-cents (Br.);
    an der Börse eingeführte Wertpapier securities quoted (listed, US) on the stock exchange;
    gut eingeführte Wertpapier seasoned securities;
    eingetragene Wertpapier registered securities (Br.);
    erstklassige Wertpapier first-class (gilt-edged, Br.) stocks, blue chips (US);
    Ertrag bringende Wertpapier income-producing stocks;
    ertragssteuerfreie Wertpapier tax-exempt securities;
    mit Kupon erworbene Wertpapiere investments bought cum dividend;
    für Steuerrücklagen erworbene Wertpapier tax reserve certificates (US);
    festverzinsliche Wertpapier fixed-interest [bearing] securities (bonds), percents;
    steuerfreie festverzinsliche Wertpapier tax-free fixed interest securities;
    an der Börse gehandelte Wertpapier securities dealt in on the stock exchange;
    im Freiverkehr gehandelte Wertpapier outside (Br.) (unlisted, US) securities, curb stocks (US);
    international gehandelte Wertpapier internationals, interbourse securities (Br.);
    lebhaft gehandelte Wertpapier active securities;
    selten gehandelte Wertpapier inactive securities;
    telefonisch gehandelte Wertpapier telephone stocks (US);
    auf Zeit gehandelte Wertpapier securities negotiated for future delivery (US);
    abhanden gekommene Wertpapiere lost securities;
    gemeinsame Wertpapier securities jointly owned;
    außer Kurs gesetzte Wertpapier called bonds;
    gesperrte Wertpapier restricted securities;
    gezogene Wertpapier drawn bonds;
    an der Börse handelbare Wertpapier securities negotiable at the stock exchange;
    nicht handelbare Wertpapier non-marketable securities;
    heimische Wertpapier home descriptions (Br.);
    hinterlegte Wertpapier securities deposited;
    im Sammeldepot hinterlegte Wertpapier assented bonds (stock, US);
    als Sicherheit hinterlegte Wertpapier securities lodged as collateral;
    hochspekulative Wertpapier wildcat securities;
    hochwertige Wertpapier high-grade securities, blue chip (US), representative stocks (US);
    inländische Wertpapier home securities (stocks, Br.);
    internationale Wertpapier internationals, interbourse securities (Br.);
    kleingestückelte Wertpapier small denominations;
    konvertierbare Wertpapier convertible securities;
    kündbare Wertpapier callable bonds, dated stocks;
    kursfähige Wertpapier stocks quoted (listed, US) on the stock exchange;
    kursgünstige Wertpapier bargain stocks;
    auf den Inhaber lautende Wertpapier bearer bonds;
    auf den Namen lautende Wertpapier registered securities;
    lieferbare Wertpapier good-delivery securities;
    lombardfähige Wertpapier securities eligible to serve as collateral;
    lombardierte Wertpapiere pledged (pawned) securities (Br.) (stocks), securities held as collateral (US), collateral securities, hypothecated stocks (US);
    marktfähige Wertpapier marketable (negotiable) securities (stocks), negotiable stocks, open-market papers;
    marktgängige Wertpapier securities dealt in for cash;
    mündelsichere Wertpapier gilt-edged (Br.) (trustee) securities (investments) (Br.), gilts (Br.), trustee (widow and orphan) stock (US), trust investments (US), (Börsenbericht) gilt-edged list (Br.);
    nachschusspflichtige Wertpapier assessable securities (US);
    Not leidende Wertpapier suffering securities;
    notierte Wertpapier quoted (listed, US) securities;
    [amtlich] nicht notierte Wertpapier outside securities (US), kerb (curb, US) stocks;
    an der Börse nicht notierte Wertpapier unquoted (non-quoted) investments (Br.);
    in Pfund notierte Wertpapier sterling securities;
    platzierte Wertpapier digested securities (US);
    leicht realisierbare Wertpapier readily marketable securities;
    sofort realisierbare Wertpapier liquid securities;
    gut renommierte Wertpapier seasoned securities;
    sparkassenfähige Wertpapier savings-bank securities;
    spekulative Wertpapier speculative securities (investments);
    steuerbegünstigte Wertpapier tax-privileged securities;
    steuerfreie Wertpapier tax-exempt bonds (securities) (US), tax exempts (US);
    stimmberechtigte Wertpapier voting securities;
    stimmrechtslose Wertpapier non-voting securities;
    übertragbare Wertpapier transferable securities;
    durch Indossament übertragbare (umlauffähige) Wertpapier negotiable instruments;
    umtauschfähige Wertpapier convertible securities;
    unkündbare Wertpapier irredeemable securities, (langfristig) longs;
    unverzinsliche Wertpapier non-interest-paying stock;
    mit Rückerwerbsverpflichtung veräußerte Wertpapier securities held under agreement to repurchase;
    ohne Deckung verkaufte Wertpapier shorts;
    nicht verkehrsfähige Wertpapier non-marketable securities;
    verloste Wertpapier lottery bonds;
    mit Verlust notierende Wertpapier investment in default, decliners (Br.);
    vernachlässigte Wertpapier inactive (neglected) stocks (US);
    [als Sicherheit] verpfändete Wertpapier pledged securities (Br.), pawned stocks (Br.), hypothecated stock (US), securities held as collateral (US);
    verwahrte Wertpapier securities held in safe custody;
    verzinsliche Wertpapier interest-bearing securities;
    zentralbankfähige Wertpapier approved securities;
    nicht zinstragende Wertpapier non-interest-paying stock;
    zweitklassige Wertpapier second-class papers;
    Wertpapier des Anlagevermögens (Bilanz) long-term investment (US);
    Wertpapier zu Anschaffungskursen (Bilanz) quoted investments (Br.) (marketable securities) at cost;
    börsengängige Wertpapiere zum Anschaffungskurs (Bilanz) quoted investment at cost;
    Wertpapier elektrisch betriebener Bahnen traction securities;
    Wertpapier von äußerst spekulativem Charakter cats and dogs (US);
    Wertpapier im Depot securities on deposit;
    Wertpapier mit zeitweilig gesperrter Dividendenauszahlung deferred securities;
    Wertpapier mit vereinbartem Einlösungstermin redeemable securities;
    Wertpapier mit festem Ertrag fixed-yield securities;
    Wertpapier mit sehr hohem Kursanstieg high flyer;
    Wertpapier von Lagerhausgesellschaften dock stocks (Br.), warehouse stocks (US);
    Wertpapier mit geringstem Nominalwert baby bonds (US);
    festverzinsliches Wertpapier, mit festem, bis Laufzeitende gleich bleibendem, Nominalzinssatz und fester Endlaufzeit straight bond (Br.);
    Wertpapier mit hoher Rendite high-yield securities;
    Wertpapier mit variabler Rendite variable-yield securities;
    Wertpapier mit hoher Sicherheit trustee investments (Br.), widow and orphan stock (US);
    nicht übertragbare Wertpapier zu Steuerrücklagezwecken tax reserve certificates (Br.);
    Wertpapier des Umlaufvermögens (Bilanz) temporary investment;
    Wertpapier mit Vorzugsrechten senior securities;
    Wertpapier mit steuerfreien Zinserträgnissen nontaxable securities (US);
    Wertpapier deren Zinssatz dem Diskontsatz entspricht zero coupon bonds;
    Wertpapier abtreten to assign securities;
    sein Geld in Wertpapiern anlegen to invest one’s money in stock;
    sein Geld in mündelsicheren Wertpapiern anlegen to invest one’s money in a safe stock;
    Wertpapier zur Börsenzulassung anmelden to qualify securities for sale to the public;
    Wertpapier ausgeben to issue (put out, bring out) bonds;
    Wertpapier über (unter) dem Nennwert ausgeben to issue securities at a premium (discount);
    Wertpapier zum Nennwert ausgeben to issue securities at par;
    in Kost gegebene Wertpapier auswechseln to commute securities;
    Wertpapier beleihen to lend money on stock, to pawn stock (Br.), to hypothecate securities (US);
    Wertpapier bereinigen to validate securities;
    Wertpapier besitzen to hold securities;
    seine Anlagen hauptsächlich in Wertpapiern decken to invest primarily in securities;
    Wertpapier durchhalten to carry securities in safe custody (Br.);
    Wertpapier an der Börse einführen to introduce (market, list, US) securities on the stock exchange;
    Wertpapier ins Depot einliefern (legen) to place securities in safe custody (deposit, US);
    Wertpapier über pari emittieren to issue securities at a premium (discount);
    Wertpapier für kraftlos erklären to retire (invalidate) securities;
    verloren gegangene Wertpapier für kraftlos erklären to cancel securities;
    Wertpapier ins Depot geben (legen) to place securities for [safe] custody (Br.), to place securities in a deposit (US);
    sein Geld in vierprozentigen Wertpapiern angelegt haben to have one’s money in four percents;
    Wertpapier zur Verfügung halten to earmark securities;
    mit Wertpapiern handeln to handle stocks and bonds;
    Wertpapier hereinnehmen to borrow (take in) stock;
    Wertpapier hinterlegen to deposit securities;
    Wertpapier als Sicherheit hinterlegen to deposit (lodge) stocks as underlying security;
    Wertpapier lombardieren lassen to have securities hpypothecated;
    Wertpapier lombardieren to grant a loan against (hypothecate, US) securities, to advance money (borrow) on securities, to pawn stock (Br.);
    Wertpapier zinslos lombardieren to loan stock flat;
    Wertpapier aus einem Depot nehmen to withdraw securities from a deposit;
    Wertpapier in Kommission nehmen to take securities on a commission basis;
    Wertpapier an der Börse notieren to quote (list, US) securities on the stock exchange;
    lombardierte Wertpapier realisieren to sell out securities;
    mit Wertpapiern eingedeckt sein to be long of stock (Br.);
    Wertpapier übertragen to transfer stocks;
    Wertpapier im Depot verwahren to hold securities for safekeeping;
    Wertpapier zu 9% auf Kredit verwahren to carry securities at 9 per cent;
    Wertpapier zeichnen to make an application for stocks;
    Wertpapier in Erwartung einer Kurssteigerung zurückhalten to be on the long side of the market (US);
    Wertpapier zurückkaufen to redeem (repurchase) securities;
    Wertpapierabsatz placement of securities, security sales;
    Wertpapierabteilung securities (stock, Br.) department;
    Wertpapieranalyse security analysis;
    Wertpapierangebot securities offerings.

    Business german-english dictionary > Wertpapiere

  • 10 НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги

    1. internal arc-proof switchgear and controlgear assemblу
    2. arc-resistant switchgear
    3. arc-proof switchgear
    4. arc-proof switchboard
    5. arc-proof low voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly


    НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги
    комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    низковольтное комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    НКУ распределения и управления с защитой от электрической дуги


    arc-resistant switchgear
    A type of switchgear design which is designed to withstand the effects of an internal arcing fault, without causing harm to personnel who are located in defined areas. It is not intended to withstand these internal arcing fault without possibly causing physical damage to the structure and/or components, but often the physical damage is less with an arc-resistant design.

    There are three classes of protection:
    Type A - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type B - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type C - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear, from between compartments within the same cell, and between adjacent cells during an internal arcing fault.

    Arc-resistant switchgear has traditionally been metal-clad, but the basic concept could also be applied to other types of switchgear as well.

    arc-proof switchgear
    An incorrect term. Please refer to arc-resistant switchgear
    [Schneider Electric]
    [ http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/glossary-of-medium-voltage-switchgear-terms]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    If the electric arc occurs inside LV switchgear it generates internal overpressures and results in local overheatings which may cause high mechanical and thermal stresses in the equipment.

    Besides, the involved materials can generate hot decomposition products, gases or fumes, which, due to the overpressure, are almost always ejected to the outside of the enclosure thus jeopardizing the operator safety.

    The European Directive 2006/95/EC states the fundamental safety requirements for low voltage electric materials (from 50 V to 1000 V in alternating current, from 75 V to 1500 V in continuos current) to be put on the market within the European Community.

    Among the essential safety requirements defined by this Directive particular importance is given to the need of taking technical measures to prevent “temperature rises, electric arcs or radiations which may result in hazards” from occurring.

    This aspect has always been highly considered for apparatus, but it has been wrongly neglected for electrical switchgear and only in the last 10-15 years it has been catching on both at Italian as well as at international level.

    Safety for the operator and for the installation in case of arcing inside LV switchgear can be obtained through three different design philosophies:
    1. assemblies mechanically capable of withstanding the electric arc (passive protection)
    2. assemblies equipped with devices limiting the effects of internal arcing (active protection)
    3. assemblies equipped with current limiting circuitbreakers.

    These three solutions (also combined together) have found a remakable development in the industrial field and have been successfully applied by the main manufacturers of LV switchgear and controlgear assemblies.

    As it can be seen hereafter by examining the first two solutions, an “active” protection against arc faults is intrinsecally more complex than a “passive” one.

    This because of the presence of additional electromechanical/ electronic devices5 which limit the arcing effects and which, by their nature, may be subject to faults or not-tripping.


    Дуга, возникшая внутри НКУ, создает внутреннее избыточное давление и вызывает локальный перегрев, что может привести к воздействию на оборудование значительного механического напряжения и перепада температур.

    Кроме того, под воздействием дуги различные материалы разлагаются на продукты, имеющие высокую температуру, в том числе газы и дым, которые почти всегда вырываются из оболочки НКУ под высоким давлением, подвергая опасности оперативный персонал.

    Европейская директива 2006/95/EC определяет основные требования безопасности для низковольтного (от 50 до 1000 В переменного тока и от 75 до 1500 В постоянного тока) оборудования поставляемого на рынок Европейского Сообщества.

    Одно из основных требований безопасности, определяемое данной директивой как наиболее важное, заключается в необходимости предпринять технические меры для предотвращения "подъема температуры, возникновения электрической дуги или излучения", которые могут причинить ущерб.

    Данная проблема всегда учитывалась при создании различных аппаратов, но незаслуженно игнорировалась при разработке электрических комплектных устройств, и только в последние 10-15 лет ей стали уделять должное внимание как в Италии, так и во всем мире.

    При возникновении электрической дуги внутри НКУ безопасность оператора и электроустановки обеспечивается тремя способами:
    1. Конструкция НКУ должна выдерживать механические воздействия, возникающие при горении электрической дуги (пассивная защита).
    2. НКУ должно быть оснащено устройствами, ограничивающими воздействие электрической дуги (активная защита)
    3. НКУ должны быть оснащены токоограничивающими автоматическими выключателями.

    Указанные три способа (применяемые совместно) получили дальнейшее развитие в промышленности и успешно применяются основными изготовителями НКУ распределения и управления.

    Как будет показано далее при рассмотрении первых двух способов, активная защита от дуговых» неисправностей является более сложной, чем пассивная защита.

    Это объясняется необходимостью использования дополнительных электромеханических или электронных устройств, задачей которых является ограничение воздействий дуги и которые сами могут оказаться неисправными и не сработать.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги

  • 11 arc-proof low voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly

    1. НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги


    НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги
    комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    низковольтное комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    НКУ распределения и управления с защитой от электрической дуги


    arc-resistant switchgear
    A type of switchgear design which is designed to withstand the effects of an internal arcing fault, without causing harm to personnel who are located in defined areas. It is not intended to withstand these internal arcing fault without possibly causing physical damage to the structure and/or components, but often the physical damage is less with an arc-resistant design.

    There are three classes of protection:
    Type A - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type B - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type C - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear, from between compartments within the same cell, and between adjacent cells during an internal arcing fault.

    Arc-resistant switchgear has traditionally been metal-clad, but the basic concept could also be applied to other types of switchgear as well.

    arc-proof switchgear
    An incorrect term. Please refer to arc-resistant switchgear
    [Schneider Electric]
    [ http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/glossary-of-medium-voltage-switchgear-terms]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    If the electric arc occurs inside LV switchgear it generates internal overpressures and results in local overheatings which may cause high mechanical and thermal stresses in the equipment.

    Besides, the involved materials can generate hot decomposition products, gases or fumes, which, due to the overpressure, are almost always ejected to the outside of the enclosure thus jeopardizing the operator safety.

    The European Directive 2006/95/EC states the fundamental safety requirements for low voltage electric materials (from 50 V to 1000 V in alternating current, from 75 V to 1500 V in continuos current) to be put on the market within the European Community.

    Among the essential safety requirements defined by this Directive particular importance is given to the need of taking technical measures to prevent “temperature rises, electric arcs or radiations which may result in hazards” from occurring.

    This aspect has always been highly considered for apparatus, but it has been wrongly neglected for electrical switchgear and only in the last 10-15 years it has been catching on both at Italian as well as at international level.

    Safety for the operator and for the installation in case of arcing inside LV switchgear can be obtained through three different design philosophies:
    1. assemblies mechanically capable of withstanding the electric arc (passive protection)
    2. assemblies equipped with devices limiting the effects of internal arcing (active protection)
    3. assemblies equipped with current limiting circuitbreakers.

    These three solutions (also combined together) have found a remakable development in the industrial field and have been successfully applied by the main manufacturers of LV switchgear and controlgear assemblies.

    As it can be seen hereafter by examining the first two solutions, an “active” protection against arc faults is intrinsecally more complex than a “passive” one.

    This because of the presence of additional electromechanical/ electronic devices5 which limit the arcing effects and which, by their nature, may be subject to faults or not-tripping.


    Дуга, возникшая внутри НКУ, создает внутреннее избыточное давление и вызывает локальный перегрев, что может привести к воздействию на оборудование значительного механического напряжения и перепада температур.

    Кроме того, под воздействием дуги различные материалы разлагаются на продукты, имеющие высокую температуру, в том числе газы и дым, которые почти всегда вырываются из оболочки НКУ под высоким давлением, подвергая опасности оперативный персонал.

    Европейская директива 2006/95/EC определяет основные требования безопасности для низковольтного (от 50 до 1000 В переменного тока и от 75 до 1500 В постоянного тока) оборудования поставляемого на рынок Европейского Сообщества.

    Одно из основных требований безопасности, определяемое данной директивой как наиболее важное, заключается в необходимости предпринять технические меры для предотвращения "подъема температуры, возникновения электрической дуги или излучения", которые могут причинить ущерб.

    Данная проблема всегда учитывалась при создании различных аппаратов, но незаслуженно игнорировалась при разработке электрических комплектных устройств, и только в последние 10-15 лет ей стали уделять должное внимание как в Италии, так и во всем мире.

    При возникновении электрической дуги внутри НКУ безопасность оператора и электроустановки обеспечивается тремя способами:
    1. Конструкция НКУ должна выдерживать механические воздействия, возникающие при горении электрической дуги (пассивная защита).
    2. НКУ должно быть оснащено устройствами, ограничивающими воздействие электрической дуги (активная защита)
    3. НКУ должны быть оснащены токоограничивающими автоматическими выключателями.

    Указанные три способа (применяемые совместно) получили дальнейшее развитие в промышленности и успешно применяются основными изготовителями НКУ распределения и управления.

    Как будет показано далее при рассмотрении первых двух способов, активная защита от дуговых» неисправностей является более сложной, чем пассивная защита.

    Это объясняется необходимостью использования дополнительных электромеханических или электронных устройств, задачей которых является ограничение воздействий дуги и которые сами могут оказаться неисправными и не сработать.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > arc-proof low voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly

  • 12 arc-proof switchboard

    1. НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги


    НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги
    комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    низковольтное комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    НКУ распределения и управления с защитой от электрической дуги


    arc-resistant switchgear
    A type of switchgear design which is designed to withstand the effects of an internal arcing fault, without causing harm to personnel who are located in defined areas. It is not intended to withstand these internal arcing fault without possibly causing physical damage to the structure and/or components, but often the physical damage is less with an arc-resistant design.

    There are three classes of protection:
    Type A - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type B - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type C - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear, from between compartments within the same cell, and between adjacent cells during an internal arcing fault.

    Arc-resistant switchgear has traditionally been metal-clad, but the basic concept could also be applied to other types of switchgear as well.

    arc-proof switchgear
    An incorrect term. Please refer to arc-resistant switchgear
    [Schneider Electric]
    [ http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/glossary-of-medium-voltage-switchgear-terms]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    If the electric arc occurs inside LV switchgear it generates internal overpressures and results in local overheatings which may cause high mechanical and thermal stresses in the equipment.

    Besides, the involved materials can generate hot decomposition products, gases or fumes, which, due to the overpressure, are almost always ejected to the outside of the enclosure thus jeopardizing the operator safety.

    The European Directive 2006/95/EC states the fundamental safety requirements for low voltage electric materials (from 50 V to 1000 V in alternating current, from 75 V to 1500 V in continuos current) to be put on the market within the European Community.

    Among the essential safety requirements defined by this Directive particular importance is given to the need of taking technical measures to prevent “temperature rises, electric arcs or radiations which may result in hazards” from occurring.

    This aspect has always been highly considered for apparatus, but it has been wrongly neglected for electrical switchgear and only in the last 10-15 years it has been catching on both at Italian as well as at international level.

    Safety for the operator and for the installation in case of arcing inside LV switchgear can be obtained through three different design philosophies:
    1. assemblies mechanically capable of withstanding the electric arc (passive protection)
    2. assemblies equipped with devices limiting the effects of internal arcing (active protection)
    3. assemblies equipped with current limiting circuitbreakers.

    These three solutions (also combined together) have found a remakable development in the industrial field and have been successfully applied by the main manufacturers of LV switchgear and controlgear assemblies.

    As it can be seen hereafter by examining the first two solutions, an “active” protection against arc faults is intrinsecally more complex than a “passive” one.

    This because of the presence of additional electromechanical/ electronic devices5 which limit the arcing effects and which, by their nature, may be subject to faults or not-tripping.


    Дуга, возникшая внутри НКУ, создает внутреннее избыточное давление и вызывает локальный перегрев, что может привести к воздействию на оборудование значительного механического напряжения и перепада температур.

    Кроме того, под воздействием дуги различные материалы разлагаются на продукты, имеющие высокую температуру, в том числе газы и дым, которые почти всегда вырываются из оболочки НКУ под высоким давлением, подвергая опасности оперативный персонал.

    Европейская директива 2006/95/EC определяет основные требования безопасности для низковольтного (от 50 до 1000 В переменного тока и от 75 до 1500 В постоянного тока) оборудования поставляемого на рынок Европейского Сообщества.

    Одно из основных требований безопасности, определяемое данной директивой как наиболее важное, заключается в необходимости предпринять технические меры для предотвращения "подъема температуры, возникновения электрической дуги или излучения", которые могут причинить ущерб.

    Данная проблема всегда учитывалась при создании различных аппаратов, но незаслуженно игнорировалась при разработке электрических комплектных устройств, и только в последние 10-15 лет ей стали уделять должное внимание как в Италии, так и во всем мире.

    При возникновении электрической дуги внутри НКУ безопасность оператора и электроустановки обеспечивается тремя способами:
    1. Конструкция НКУ должна выдерживать механические воздействия, возникающие при горении электрической дуги (пассивная защита).
    2. НКУ должно быть оснащено устройствами, ограничивающими воздействие электрической дуги (активная защита)
    3. НКУ должны быть оснащены токоограничивающими автоматическими выключателями.

    Указанные три способа (применяемые совместно) получили дальнейшее развитие в промышленности и успешно применяются основными изготовителями НКУ распределения и управления.

    Как будет показано далее при рассмотрении первых двух способов, активная защита от дуговых» неисправностей является более сложной, чем пассивная защита.

    Это объясняется необходимостью использования дополнительных электромеханических или электронных устройств, задачей которых является ограничение воздействий дуги и которые сами могут оказаться неисправными и не сработать.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > arc-proof switchboard

  • 13 arc-proof switchgear

    1. НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги


    НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги
    комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    низковольтное комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    НКУ распределения и управления с защитой от электрической дуги


    arc-resistant switchgear
    A type of switchgear design which is designed to withstand the effects of an internal arcing fault, without causing harm to personnel who are located in defined areas. It is not intended to withstand these internal arcing fault without possibly causing physical damage to the structure and/or components, but often the physical damage is less with an arc-resistant design.

    There are three classes of protection:
    Type A - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type B - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type C - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear, from between compartments within the same cell, and between adjacent cells during an internal arcing fault.

    Arc-resistant switchgear has traditionally been metal-clad, but the basic concept could also be applied to other types of switchgear as well.

    arc-proof switchgear
    An incorrect term. Please refer to arc-resistant switchgear
    [Schneider Electric]
    [ http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/glossary-of-medium-voltage-switchgear-terms]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    If the electric arc occurs inside LV switchgear it generates internal overpressures and results in local overheatings which may cause high mechanical and thermal stresses in the equipment.

    Besides, the involved materials can generate hot decomposition products, gases or fumes, which, due to the overpressure, are almost always ejected to the outside of the enclosure thus jeopardizing the operator safety.

    The European Directive 2006/95/EC states the fundamental safety requirements for low voltage electric materials (from 50 V to 1000 V in alternating current, from 75 V to 1500 V in continuos current) to be put on the market within the European Community.

    Among the essential safety requirements defined by this Directive particular importance is given to the need of taking technical measures to prevent “temperature rises, electric arcs or radiations which may result in hazards” from occurring.

    This aspect has always been highly considered for apparatus, but it has been wrongly neglected for electrical switchgear and only in the last 10-15 years it has been catching on both at Italian as well as at international level.

    Safety for the operator and for the installation in case of arcing inside LV switchgear can be obtained through three different design philosophies:
    1. assemblies mechanically capable of withstanding the electric arc (passive protection)
    2. assemblies equipped with devices limiting the effects of internal arcing (active protection)
    3. assemblies equipped with current limiting circuitbreakers.

    These three solutions (also combined together) have found a remakable development in the industrial field and have been successfully applied by the main manufacturers of LV switchgear and controlgear assemblies.

    As it can be seen hereafter by examining the first two solutions, an “active” protection against arc faults is intrinsecally more complex than a “passive” one.

    This because of the presence of additional electromechanical/ electronic devices5 which limit the arcing effects and which, by their nature, may be subject to faults or not-tripping.


    Дуга, возникшая внутри НКУ, создает внутреннее избыточное давление и вызывает локальный перегрев, что может привести к воздействию на оборудование значительного механического напряжения и перепада температур.

    Кроме того, под воздействием дуги различные материалы разлагаются на продукты, имеющие высокую температуру, в том числе газы и дым, которые почти всегда вырываются из оболочки НКУ под высоким давлением, подвергая опасности оперативный персонал.

    Европейская директива 2006/95/EC определяет основные требования безопасности для низковольтного (от 50 до 1000 В переменного тока и от 75 до 1500 В постоянного тока) оборудования поставляемого на рынок Европейского Сообщества.

    Одно из основных требований безопасности, определяемое данной директивой как наиболее важное, заключается в необходимости предпринять технические меры для предотвращения "подъема температуры, возникновения электрической дуги или излучения", которые могут причинить ущерб.

    Данная проблема всегда учитывалась при создании различных аппаратов, но незаслуженно игнорировалась при разработке электрических комплектных устройств, и только в последние 10-15 лет ей стали уделять должное внимание как в Италии, так и во всем мире.

    При возникновении электрической дуги внутри НКУ безопасность оператора и электроустановки обеспечивается тремя способами:
    1. Конструкция НКУ должна выдерживать механические воздействия, возникающие при горении электрической дуги (пассивная защита).
    2. НКУ должно быть оснащено устройствами, ограничивающими воздействие электрической дуги (активная защита)
    3. НКУ должны быть оснащены токоограничивающими автоматическими выключателями.

    Указанные три способа (применяемые совместно) получили дальнейшее развитие в промышленности и успешно применяются основными изготовителями НКУ распределения и управления.

    Как будет показано далее при рассмотрении первых двух способов, активная защита от дуговых» неисправностей является более сложной, чем пассивная защита.

    Это объясняется необходимостью использования дополнительных электромеханических или электронных устройств, задачей которых является ограничение воздействий дуги и которые сами могут оказаться неисправными и не сработать.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > arc-proof switchgear

  • 14 arc-resistant switchgear

    1. НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги


    НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги
    комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    низковольтное комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    НКУ распределения и управления с защитой от электрической дуги


    arc-resistant switchgear
    A type of switchgear design which is designed to withstand the effects of an internal arcing fault, without causing harm to personnel who are located in defined areas. It is not intended to withstand these internal arcing fault without possibly causing physical damage to the structure and/or components, but often the physical damage is less with an arc-resistant design.

    There are three classes of protection:
    Type A - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type B - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type C - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear, from between compartments within the same cell, and between adjacent cells during an internal arcing fault.

    Arc-resistant switchgear has traditionally been metal-clad, but the basic concept could also be applied to other types of switchgear as well.

    arc-proof switchgear
    An incorrect term. Please refer to arc-resistant switchgear
    [Schneider Electric]
    [ http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/glossary-of-medium-voltage-switchgear-terms]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    If the electric arc occurs inside LV switchgear it generates internal overpressures and results in local overheatings which may cause high mechanical and thermal stresses in the equipment.

    Besides, the involved materials can generate hot decomposition products, gases or fumes, which, due to the overpressure, are almost always ejected to the outside of the enclosure thus jeopardizing the operator safety.

    The European Directive 2006/95/EC states the fundamental safety requirements for low voltage electric materials (from 50 V to 1000 V in alternating current, from 75 V to 1500 V in continuos current) to be put on the market within the European Community.

    Among the essential safety requirements defined by this Directive particular importance is given to the need of taking technical measures to prevent “temperature rises, electric arcs or radiations which may result in hazards” from occurring.

    This aspect has always been highly considered for apparatus, but it has been wrongly neglected for electrical switchgear and only in the last 10-15 years it has been catching on both at Italian as well as at international level.

    Safety for the operator and for the installation in case of arcing inside LV switchgear can be obtained through three different design philosophies:
    1. assemblies mechanically capable of withstanding the electric arc (passive protection)
    2. assemblies equipped with devices limiting the effects of internal arcing (active protection)
    3. assemblies equipped with current limiting circuitbreakers.

    These three solutions (also combined together) have found a remakable development in the industrial field and have been successfully applied by the main manufacturers of LV switchgear and controlgear assemblies.

    As it can be seen hereafter by examining the first two solutions, an “active” protection against arc faults is intrinsecally more complex than a “passive” one.

    This because of the presence of additional electromechanical/ electronic devices5 which limit the arcing effects and which, by their nature, may be subject to faults or not-tripping.


    Дуга, возникшая внутри НКУ, создает внутреннее избыточное давление и вызывает локальный перегрев, что может привести к воздействию на оборудование значительного механического напряжения и перепада температур.

    Кроме того, под воздействием дуги различные материалы разлагаются на продукты, имеющие высокую температуру, в том числе газы и дым, которые почти всегда вырываются из оболочки НКУ под высоким давлением, подвергая опасности оперативный персонал.

    Европейская директива 2006/95/EC определяет основные требования безопасности для низковольтного (от 50 до 1000 В переменного тока и от 75 до 1500 В постоянного тока) оборудования поставляемого на рынок Европейского Сообщества.

    Одно из основных требований безопасности, определяемое данной директивой как наиболее важное, заключается в необходимости предпринять технические меры для предотвращения "подъема температуры, возникновения электрической дуги или излучения", которые могут причинить ущерб.

    Данная проблема всегда учитывалась при создании различных аппаратов, но незаслуженно игнорировалась при разработке электрических комплектных устройств, и только в последние 10-15 лет ей стали уделять должное внимание как в Италии, так и во всем мире.

    При возникновении электрической дуги внутри НКУ безопасность оператора и электроустановки обеспечивается тремя способами:
    1. Конструкция НКУ должна выдерживать механические воздействия, возникающие при горении электрической дуги (пассивная защита).
    2. НКУ должно быть оснащено устройствами, ограничивающими воздействие электрической дуги (активная защита)
    3. НКУ должны быть оснащены токоограничивающими автоматическими выключателями.

    Указанные три способа (применяемые совместно) получили дальнейшее развитие в промышленности и успешно применяются основными изготовителями НКУ распределения и управления.

    Как будет показано далее при рассмотрении первых двух способов, активная защита от дуговых» неисправностей является более сложной, чем пассивная защита.

    Это объясняется необходимостью использования дополнительных электромеханических или электронных устройств, задачей которых является ограничение воздействий дуги и которые сами могут оказаться неисправными и не сработать.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > arc-resistant switchgear

  • 15 internal arc-proof switchgear and controlgear assemblу

    1. НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги


    НКУ с защитой от воздействия электрической дуги
    комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    низковольтное комплектное устройство с защитой от электрической дуги
    НКУ распределения и управления с защитой от электрической дуги


    arc-resistant switchgear
    A type of switchgear design which is designed to withstand the effects of an internal arcing fault, without causing harm to personnel who are located in defined areas. It is not intended to withstand these internal arcing fault without possibly causing physical damage to the structure and/or components, but often the physical damage is less with an arc-resistant design.

    There are three classes of protection:
    Type A - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type B - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear during an internal arcing fault,
    Type C - eliminates the emission of gases and particles from the front and sides of the switchgear, from between compartments within the same cell, and between adjacent cells during an internal arcing fault.

    Arc-resistant switchgear has traditionally been metal-clad, but the basic concept could also be applied to other types of switchgear as well.

    arc-proof switchgear
    An incorrect term. Please refer to arc-resistant switchgear
    [Schneider Electric]
    [ http://electrical-engineering-portal.com/glossary-of-medium-voltage-switchgear-terms]

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    If the electric arc occurs inside LV switchgear it generates internal overpressures and results in local overheatings which may cause high mechanical and thermal stresses in the equipment.

    Besides, the involved materials can generate hot decomposition products, gases or fumes, which, due to the overpressure, are almost always ejected to the outside of the enclosure thus jeopardizing the operator safety.

    The European Directive 2006/95/EC states the fundamental safety requirements for low voltage electric materials (from 50 V to 1000 V in alternating current, from 75 V to 1500 V in continuos current) to be put on the market within the European Community.

    Among the essential safety requirements defined by this Directive particular importance is given to the need of taking technical measures to prevent “temperature rises, electric arcs or radiations which may result in hazards” from occurring.

    This aspect has always been highly considered for apparatus, but it has been wrongly neglected for electrical switchgear and only in the last 10-15 years it has been catching on both at Italian as well as at international level.

    Safety for the operator and for the installation in case of arcing inside LV switchgear can be obtained through three different design philosophies:
    1. assemblies mechanically capable of withstanding the electric arc (passive protection)
    2. assemblies equipped with devices limiting the effects of internal arcing (active protection)
    3. assemblies equipped with current limiting circuitbreakers.

    These three solutions (also combined together) have found a remakable development in the industrial field and have been successfully applied by the main manufacturers of LV switchgear and controlgear assemblies.

    As it can be seen hereafter by examining the first two solutions, an “active” protection against arc faults is intrinsecally more complex than a “passive” one.

    This because of the presence of additional electromechanical/ electronic devices5 which limit the arcing effects and which, by their nature, may be subject to faults or not-tripping.


    Дуга, возникшая внутри НКУ, создает внутреннее избыточное давление и вызывает локальный перегрев, что может привести к воздействию на оборудование значительного механического напряжения и перепада температур.

    Кроме того, под воздействием дуги различные материалы разлагаются на продукты, имеющие высокую температуру, в том числе газы и дым, которые почти всегда вырываются из оболочки НКУ под высоким давлением, подвергая опасности оперативный персонал.

    Европейская директива 2006/95/EC определяет основные требования безопасности для низковольтного (от 50 до 1000 В переменного тока и от 75 до 1500 В постоянного тока) оборудования поставляемого на рынок Европейского Сообщества.

    Одно из основных требований безопасности, определяемое данной директивой как наиболее важное, заключается в необходимости предпринять технические меры для предотвращения "подъема температуры, возникновения электрической дуги или излучения", которые могут причинить ущерб.

    Данная проблема всегда учитывалась при создании различных аппаратов, но незаслуженно игнорировалась при разработке электрических комплектных устройств, и только в последние 10-15 лет ей стали уделять должное внимание как в Италии, так и во всем мире.

    При возникновении электрической дуги внутри НКУ безопасность оператора и электроустановки обеспечивается тремя способами:
    1. Конструкция НКУ должна выдерживать механические воздействия, возникающие при горении электрической дуги (пассивная защита).
    2. НКУ должно быть оснащено устройствами, ограничивающими воздействие электрической дуги (активная защита)
    3. НКУ должны быть оснащены токоограничивающими автоматическими выключателями.

    Указанные три способа (применяемые совместно) получили дальнейшее развитие в промышленности и успешно применяются основными изготовителями НКУ распределения и управления.

    Как будет показано далее при рассмотрении первых двух способов, активная защита от дуговых» неисправностей является более сложной, чем пассивная защита.

    Это объясняется необходимостью использования дополнительных электромеханических или электронных устройств, задачей которых является ограничение воздействий дуги и которые сами могут оказаться неисправными и не сработать.

    [Перевод Интент]


    • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,...)



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > internal arc-proof switchgear and controlgear assemblу

  • 16 empezar a tratar

    (v.) = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface
    Ex. Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.
    Ex. As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.
    * * *
    (v.) = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface

    Ex: Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.

    Ex: As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.

    Spanish-English dictionary > empezar a tratar

  • 17 rozar la superficie

    (v.) = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface
    Ex. Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.
    Ex. As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.
    * * *
    (v.) = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface

    Ex: Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.

    Ex: As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.

    Spanish-English dictionary > rozar la superficie

  • 18 tratar muy por encima

    (v.) = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface
    Ex. Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.
    Ex. As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.
    * * *
    (v.) = scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface

    Ex: Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.

    Ex: As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.

    Spanish-English dictionary > tratar muy por encima

  • 19 tratar superficialmente

    to touch on, to glance off, to touch upon.
    Ellos tocaron el tema They touched upon the subject.
    * * *
    (v.) = gloss over, scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface
    Ex. Although the description given here is quite lengthy, many points are glossed over, and the Manual goes into these and a number of others at length.
    Ex. Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.
    Ex. As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.
    * * *
    (v.) = gloss over, scratch + the surface of, scrape + the surface

    Ex: Although the description given here is quite lengthy, many points are glossed over, and the Manual goes into these and a number of others at length.

    Ex: Lengthy though it has been, this chapter has done no more than scratch the surface of the enormous revolution that is taking place in the information market place.
    Ex: As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.

    Spanish-English dictionary > tratar superficialmente

  • 20 निर् _nir

    निर् ind. A substitute for निस् before vowels and soft consonants conveying the senses of 'out of', 'away from'. 'without', 'free from', and be frequently expressed by 'less', 'un', used with the noun; see the compounds given below; see निस् and cf. अ also.
    -Comp. -अंश a.
    1 whole, entire.
    -2 not entitled to any share of the ancestral property.
    -अक्षः the place of no latitute; i. e. the terrestrial equator (in astronomy). ˚देशः
    1 a first meridian, as Laṅkā.
    -2 a place where the sun is always vertical and the days and nights are equal.
    -3 the equatorial region.
    -अक्षर a. Not knowing the letters, illiterate.
    -अग्नि a. having lost or neg- lected the consecrated fire; स संन्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रियः Bg.6.1.
    -अग्र (क) a. divisible without remain- der.
    -अङ्कुश a. 'not curbed by a hook', unchecked, uncontrolled; unruly, independent, completely free, unfettered; निरङ्कुश इव द्विपः Bhāg.; कामो निकामनिरङ्कुशः Gīt.7; निरङ्कुशाः कवयः Sk.; Bh.3.15; Mv.3.39; विनयरुचयः सदैव निरङ्कुशाः Mu.3.6. ˚ता self-will, indepen- dence.
    -अघ a. sinless, blameless.
    -अङ्ग a.
    1 having no parts.
    -2 deprived of expedients or resources.
    -अजिन a. skinless.
    -अञ्जन a.
    1 without collyrium; निरञ्जने साचिविलोलिकं दृशौ Ki.8.52.
    -2 unstained, untinged.
    -3 free from falsehood; तदा विद्वान् पुण्यपापे विधूय निरञ्जनं परमं साम्यमुपैति Munda 3.1.3.
    -4 simple, artless.
    (-नः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 N. of the Supreme Being.
    (-ना) 1 the day of full moon.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -अतिशय a. unsurpassed, matchless, un- rivalled; निरतिशयं गरिमाणं तेन जनन्याः स्मरन्ति विद्वांसः Pt.1.3. (
    -यः) the Supreme Being.
    -अत्यय a.
    1 free from danger, secure, safe; तद्भवान् वृत्तसंपन्नः स्थितः पथि निरत्यये Rām.4.29.12; R.17.53.
    -2 free from fault, unblamable, faultless, disinterested; Ki.1.12, शक्तिरर्थपतिषु स्वयंग्रहं प्रेम कारयति वा निरत्ययम् 13.61.
    -3 com- pletely successful.
    -अधिष्ठान a.
    1 supportless.
    -2 in- dependent.
    -अध्व a. one who has lost one's way.
    -अनुक्रोश a. pitiless, merciless, hard-hearted. (
    -शः) mercilessness, hard-heartedness.
    -अनुग a. having no followers.
    -अनुग्रह a. Ungracious, unkind; Bhāg.5. 12.7.
    -अनुनासिक a. not nasal.
    -अनुमान a. not bound to conclusions or consequences.
    -अनुयोज्य a. unblamable, faultless.
    -अनुरोध a.
    1 unfavourable, unfriendly.
    -2 unkind, unamiable; Māl.1.
    -अन्तर a.
    -1 constant, perpetual, uninterrupted, incessant; निरन्त- राधिपटलैः Bv.1.16; निरन्तरास्वन्तरवातवृष्टिषु Ku.5.25.
    -2 having no intervening or intermediate space, having no interval, close, closely contiguous, in close contact; मूढे निरन्तरपयोधरया मयैव Mk.5.15; हृदयं निरन्तरबृहत्कठिनस्तन- मण्डलावरणमप्यभिदन् Śi.9.66.
    -3 compact, dense; परितो रुद्धनिरन्तराम्बराः Śi.16.76.
    -4 coarse, gross.
    -5 faithful, true (as a friend).
    -6 not hidden from view.
    -7 not different, similar, identical.
    -8 sincere, sympathetic; सुहृदि निरन्तरचित्ते (निवेद्य दुःखं सुखीभवति) Pt.1.341.
    -9 abounding in, full of; निपात्यमानैर्ददृशे निरन्तरम् Rām.7.7. 54; गुणैश्च निरन्तराणि Mv.4.12. (
    -रम्) ind.
    1 without interruption, constantly, continually, incessantly.
    -2 without intervening space or interval.
    -3 closely, tightly, firmly; (परिष्वजस्व) कान्तैरिदं मम निरन्तरमङ्गमङ्गैः Ve.3.27; परिष्वजेते शयने निरन्तरम् Ṛs.2.11.
    -4 immedia- tely. ˚अभ्यासः constant study, diligent exercise or pra- ctice.
    -अन्तराल a.
    1 without an intervening space, close.
    -2 narrow.
    -अन्धस् a. foodless, hungry.
    -अन्वय a.
    1 having no progeny, childless.
    -2 unconnected, unrelated; Ms.8.198.
    -3 not agreeing with the con- text (as a word in a sentence).
    -4 without logical connection or regular sequence, unmethodical.
    -5 without being seen, out of sight; निरन्वयं भवेत् स्तेयम् Ms.8. 332.
    -6 without retinue, unaccompanied, see अन्वय.
    -7 sudden, unexpected; U.7.
    -8 exterminatory, without leaving any species or trace; प्रागाधारनिरन्वयप्रमथनादुच्छेदमे- वाकरोः... Mv.3.13; (com. नाशो द्विविधः--स्वान्वयविनाशः, निरन्वयविनाशश्चेति......निर्वापणादिना सजातीयज्वालोदयानर्हविनाशस्तु निरन्वयविनाशः ।).
    -अपत्रप a.
    1 shameless, impudent.
    -2 bold.
    -अपराध a. guiltless, innocent, faultless, blame- less. (
    -धः) innocence.
    -अपवर्त a.
    1 not turning back.
    -2 (in arith.) leaving no common divisor, reduced to the lowest terms.
    -अपवाद a.
    1 blameless.
    -2 not admitting of any exception.
    -अपाय a.
    1 free from harm or evil.
    -2 free from decay, imperishable.
    -3 infallible; उपायो निरपायो$यमस्माभिरभिचिन्तितः Rām.1.1.2.
    -अपेक्ष a.
    1 not depending on, irrespective or independent of, having no need of (with loc.); न्यायनिर्णीतसारत्वा- न्निरपेक्षमिवागमे Ki.11.39.
    -2 disregarding, taking no notice of.
    -3 free from desire, secure; निरपेक्षो न कर्तव्यो भृत्यैः स्वामी कदाचन H.2.82.
    -4 careless, negligent, indifferent
    -5 indifferent to worldly attachments or pursuits; समुपोढेषु कामेषु निरपेक्षः परिव्रजेत् Ms.6.41.
    -6 disinterested, not expecting any reward from another; दिशि दिशि निरपेक्ष- स्तावकीनं विवृण्वन् Bv.1.5.
    -7 without purpose. (
    -क्षा) indifference, disregard.
    -अपेक्षित a.
    1 disregarded.
    -2 regardless.
    -अपेक्षिन् a. disregarding, indifferent.
    -अभिभव a.
    1 not subject to humiliation or disgrace.
    -2 not to be surpassed, unrivalled.
    -अभिमान a.
    1 free from self-conceit, devoid of pride or egotism.
    -2 void of self-respect.
    -3 unconscious.
    -अभिलाष a. not caring for, indifferent to; स्वसुखनिरभिलाषः खिद्यसे लोकहेतोः Ś.5.7.
    -अभिसंधानम् absence of design.
    -अभ्र a. cloudless.
    -अमर्ष a.
    1 void of anger, patient.
    -2 apa- thetic.
    -अम्बर a. naked.
    -अम्बु a.
    1 abstaining from water.
    -2 waterless, destitute of water.
    -अर्गल a. without a bolt, unbarred, unobstructed, unrestrained, unimpeded, completely free; M.5; मरणसमये त्यक्त्वा शङ्कां प्रलापनिरर्गलम् Māl.5.26. (
    -लम्) ind. freely.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 void of wealth, poor, indigent; स्त्रियः कृतार्थाः पुरुषं निरर्थं निष्पीडितालक्तकवत्त्यजन्ति Pt.1.194.
    -2 meaningless, un- meaning (as a word or sentence).
    -3 non-sensical.
    -4 vain, useless, purposeless.
    (-र्थः) 1 loss, detriment.
    -2 nonsense.
    -अर्थक a.
    1 useless, vain, unprofitable.
    -2 unmeaning, nonsensical, conveying no reasonable meaning; इत्थं जन्म निरर्थकं क्षितितले$रण्ये यथा मालती S. D.
    -3 (a consonant) not followed by a vowel. (
    -कम्) an expletive; निरर्थकं तु हीत्यादि पूरणैकप्रयोजनम् Chandr.2.6.
    -अलंकृतिः (in Rhet.) want of ornament, simplicity.
    -अवकाश a.
    1 without free space.
    -2 without leisure.
    -अवग्रह a.
    1 'free from restraint', unrestrained, un- checked, uncontrolled, irresistible.
    -2 free, indepen- dent.
    -3 self-willed, head-strong. (
    -हम्) ind.
    1 un- interruptedly.
    -2 intensely, strongly.
    -अवद्य a.
    1 blameless, faultless, unblameable, unobjectionable; हृद्य- निरवद्यरूपो भूपो बभूव Dk.1.
    -2 an epithet of the Supreme Being (having no passions).
    -अवधि a. having no end, unlimited; कथं तूष्णीं सह्यो निरवधिरयं त्वप्रतिविधः U. 3.44;6.3; Māl.1.6.
    -2 continuous; महानाधिव्याधि- र्निरवधिरिदानीं प्रसरतु Māl.4.3.
    1 without parts.
    -2 indivisible.
    -3 without limbs.
    -अवलम्ब a.
    1 unsupported, without support; Ś.6.
    -2 not affording support.
    -3 not depending or relying on.
    -अवशेष a. whole, complete, entire, (निरवशेषेण ind. completely, entirely, fully, totally).
    -अवसाद a. cheerful; Gīt.
    -अव्यय a. eternal, immutable.
    - अशन a. abstaining from food. (
    -नम्) fasting.
    -अश्रि a. even; Kau. A.2.11.
    -अष्ट a. Ved. driven away, scattered. (
    -ष्टः) a horse twentyfour years old.
    -अस्त्र a. weaponless, unarmed.
    -अस्थि a. boneless.
    -अहंकार, -अहंकृति a. free from egotism or pride, humble, lowly; Bg.12.13.
    -अहंकृत a.
    1 having no egotism or self-consciousness.
    -2 without individuality.
    -3 unselfish.
    -अहम् a. free from egotism or self-conceit; ह्यनामरूपं निरहं प्रपद्ये Bhāg. 5.19.4.
    -आकाङ्क्ष a.
    1 wishing nothing, free from desire.
    -2 wanting nothing to fill up or complete (as the sense of a word or sentence).
    -आकार a.
    1 devoid of form, formless, without form.
    -2 ugly, deformed.
    -3 disguised.
    -4 unassuming, modest.
    (-रः) 1 the universal spirit, Almighty.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu. ˚ज्ञानवादः the doctrine that the perception of the outer world does not arise from images impres- sed on the mind; Sarva. S.
    -आकृति a.
    1 formless, shapeless.
    -2 deformed.
    (-तिः) 1 a religious student who has not duly gone through a course of study, or who has not properly read the Vedas.
    -2 especially, a Brāhmaṇa who has neglected the duties of his caste by not going through a regular course of study; a fool; ग्रामधान्यं यथा शून्यं यथा कूपश्च निर्जलः । यथा हुतमनग्नौ च तथैव स्यान्निराकृतौ ॥ Mb.12.36.48.
    -3 one who neglects the five great religious duties or yajñas; Ms.3.154.
    -आकाश a. leaving no free space, completely filled or occupied,
    -आकुल a.
    1 unconfused, unperplexed, un- bewildered; Ki.11.38.
    -2 steady, calm; सुपात्रनिक्षेपनिरा- कुलात्मना (प्रजासृजा) Śi.1.28.
    -3 clear.
    -4 perspicuous; अलिकुलसङ्कुलकुसुमसमूहनिराकुलबकुलकलापे Gīt.1.
    (-लम्) 1 calmness serenity.
    -2 perspicuity, clearness.
    -आक्रन्द a. not crying or complaining. (
    -दः) a place where no sound can be heard.
    -आक्रोश a. unaccused, unreviled.
    - आगम a. not founded on revelation or scripture, not derived from the Vedas.
    -आगस् a. faultless, innocent, sinless; कथमेकपदे निरागसं जनमाभाष्यमिमं न मन्यसे R.8.48.
    -आचार a. without approved customs or usages, lawless, barbarian.
    -आडम्बर a.
    1 without drums.
    -2 without show, unostentatious.
    -आतङ्क a.
    1 free from fear; R.1.63; निरातङ्को रङ्को विहरति चिरं कोटिकनकैः Śaṅkara (देव्यपराधक्षमापनस्तोत्रम् 6).
    -2 without ailment, comfort- able, healthy.
    -3 not causing pain.
    -4 unchecked, unhampered; निरातङ्कः पङ्केष्विव पिशितपिण्डेषु विलसन् Māl. 5.34. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    - आतप a. sheltered from heat, shady, not penetrated by the sun's rays. (
    -पा) the night.
    - आदर a. disrespectful.
    -आदान a.
    1 taking or receiving nothing; Mb.3.
    -2 an epithet of Buddha.
    -आधार a.
    1 without a receptacle.
    -2 without support, supportless (fig. also); निराधारो हा रोदिमि कथय केषामिह पुरः G. L.4.39.
    -आधि a. secure, free from anxiety.
    -आनन्द a. cheerless, sad, sorrowful.
    -आन्त्र a.
    1 disembowelled.
    -2 having the entrails hanging out.
    -आपद् a. free from misfortune or calamity. (-f.) prosperity.
    -आबाध a.
    1 unvexed, unmolested, undis- turbed, free from disturbance.
    -2 unobstructed.
    -3 not molesting or disturbing.
    -4 (in law) frivolously vexatious (as a suit or cause of complaint); e. g. अस्मद्- गृहप्रदीपप्रकाशेनायं स्वगृहे व्यवहरति Mitā.
    1 free from disease or illness, sound, healthy, hale.
    -2 untainted, pure.
    -3 guileless.
    -4 free from defects or blemishes.
    -5 full, complete.
    -6 infallible.
    -7 not liable to failure or miscarriage. (
    -यः, यम्) freedom from disease or illness, health, well-being, welfare, happiness; कुरूणां पाण्डवानां च प्रतिपत्स्व निरामयम् Mb.5.78.8.
    (-यः) 1 a wild goat.
    -2 a hog or boar.
    -आमिष a.
    1 fleshless; निरुपमरसप्रीत्या खादन्नरास्थि निरामिषम् Bh.
    -2 having no sensual desires or covetousness; Ms.6.49.
    -3 receiving no wages or remuneration.
    -आय a. yielding no income or revenue, profitless.
    -यः an idler living from hand to mouth.
    1 full-stretched or extended; निरायतपूर्वकायाः Ś.1.8.
    -2 contracted, compact.
    -आय- -तत्वम् shortness, compactness; निरायतत्वादुदरेण ताम्यता Ki.8.17.
    -आयति a. one whose end is at hand; नियता लघुता निरायतेः Ki.2.14.
    -आयास a. not fatiguing, easy.
    -आयुध a. unarmed, weaponless.
    -आरम्भ a. abstaining from all work (in good sense); Mb.3.82.11.
    -आलम्ब a.
    1 having no prop or support (fig. also); ऊर्ध्वबाहुं निरालम्बं तं राजा प्रत्यभाषत Rām.7.89.1; निरालम्बो लोकः कुलमयशसा नः परिवृतम् Mv.4.53.
    -2 not depending on another, independent.
    -3 self-supported, friendless, alone; निरालम्बो लम्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम् Jag. (
    -म्बा) spikenard. (
    -म्बम्) Brahman.
    -आलोक a.
    1 not looking about or seeing.
    -2 deprived of sight.
    -3 deprived of light, dark; निरालोकं लोकम् Māl.5.3; Bhāg.8.24.35.
    -5 invisible. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -आवर्ण a. manifest, evident.
    -आश a.
    1 devoid of hope, despairing or despondent of; मनो बभूवेन्दुमतीनिराशम् R.6.2.
    -2 depriving (one) of all hope.
    -आशक, -आशिन् a. hopeless; अद्य दुर्योधनो राज्याज्जीविताच्च निराशकः (भविष्यति) Mb.8.74.13.
    -आशङ्क a. fearless.
    -आशा hopeless- ness, despair.
    -आशिस् a.
    1 without a boon or blessing, without virtues; आश्रमा विहिताः सर्वे वर्जयित्वा निराशिषम् Mb.12.63.13.
    -2 without any desire, wish or hope, indifferent; निराशीर्यतचित्तात्मा Bg.4.21; जगच्छ- रण्यस्य निराशिषः सतः Ku.5.76.
    -आश्रय a.
    1 without a prop or support, supportless, unsupported; न तिष्ठति निराश्रयं लिङ्गम् Sāṅ. K.41.
    -2 friendless, destitute, alone, without shelter or refuge; निराश्रयाधुना वत्सलता.
    -3 not deep (as a wound).
    -आस्वाद a. tasteless, insipid, un- savoury.
    -आहार a. 'foodless', fasting, abstaining from food. (
    -रः) fasting; कालो$ग्निः कर्म मृद् वायुर्मनो ज्ञानं तपो जलम् । पश्चात्तापो निराहारः सर्वे$मी शुद्धिहेतवः ॥ Y.3.31.
    -इङ्ग a. immovable, stationary; यथा दीपो निवातस्थो निरिङ्गो ज्वलते पुनः Mb.12.46.6.
    -इच्छ a. without wish or desire, indifferent.
    -इन्द्रिय a.
    1 having lost a limb or the use of it.
    -2 mutilated, maimed.
    -3 weak, infirm, frail; Kaṭh.1.1.3.
    -4 barren.
    -5 without प्रमाण or means of certain knowledge; निरिन्द्रिया ह्यमन्त्राश्च स्त्रियो$नृत- मिति स्थितिः Ms.9.18.
    -6 destitute of manly vigour, impotent (Ved.).
    -इन्धन a. destitute of fuel.
    -ईति a. free from the calamities of the season; निरातङ्का निरीतयः R.1.63; see ईति.
    -ईश्वर a. godless, atheistic. -˚वाद atheistic doctrine.
    -ईषम् the body of a plough.
    -ईह a.
    1 desireless, indifferent; निरीहाणामीशस्तृणमिव तिरस्कारविषयः Mu.3.16.
    -2 inactive; निरीहस्य हतद्विषः R.1.24.
    (-हा), -निरीहता, -त्वम् 1 inactivity.
    -2 indifference.
    -उच्छ्वास a.
    1 breathless, without breathing; निरुच्छ्वासं हरिं चक्रुः Rām.7.7.6.
    -2 narrow, contracted; उपेयुषो वर्त्म निरन्तराभिरसौ निरुच्छ्वासमनीकिनीभिः Śi.3.32.
    -3 dead; निरुच्छ्वासाः पुनः केचित् पतिता जगतीतले Rām.6.58.13. (
    -सः) absence of breath; लोका निरुच्छ्वासनिपीडिता भृशम् Bhāg.4. 8.8.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 answerless, without a reply.
    -2 un- able to answer, silenced.
    -3 having no superior.
    -उत्थ a. irrecoverable.
    -उद्धति a. not jolting (a chariot); अभूतल- स्पर्शतया निरुद्धतिः Ś.7.1. (v. l.)
    -उत्सव a. without festivi- ties; विरतं गेयमृतुर्निरुत्सवः R.8.66.
    -उत्साह a.
    1 inactive, indolent.
    -2 devoid of energy.
    (-हः) 1 absence of energy.
    -2 indolence.
    -उत्सुक a.
    1 indifferent.
    -2 calm, tranquil.
    - उदक a. waterless.
    1 having no belly or trunk.
    -2 thin (अतुन्दिल); श्रीमान्निरुदरो महान् Rām.3.16.31.
    -उद्यम, -उद्योग a. effortless, inactive, lazy, idle.
    उद्विग्न, -उद्वेग a. free from excitement or perturbation, sedate, calm.
    -उपक्रम a.
    1 without a commencement.
    -2 incurable.
    -उपद्रव a.
    1 free from calamity or affliction, not visited by danger or adver- sity, lucky, happy, undisturbed, unmolested, free from hostile attacks.
    -2 free from national distress or tyranny.
    -3 causing no affliction.
    -4 auspicious (as a star).
    -5 secure, peaceful.
    -उपधि a. guileless, honest; U.2.2. ˚जीवन a. leading an honest life. (v. l.).
    -उपपत्ति a. unsuitable.
    1 without any title or designation; अरे आर्यचारुदत्तं निरुपपदेन नाम्नालपसि Mk.1.18/19.
    -2 unconnected with a subordinate word.
    -उपप्लव a.
    1 free from disturbance, obstacle or calamity, unharmed; निरुपप्लवानि नः कर्माणि संवृत्तानि Ś3.
    -2 not causing any affliction or misery.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -उपभोग a. without enjoyment; संसरति निरुपभोगं भावैरधिवासितं लिङ्गम् Sāṅ. K.4.
    - उपम a. peerless, matchless, incomparable.
    -उपसर्ग free from portents.
    -उपस्कृत a. not corrupted, pure; of self-denying temperament; शमेन तपसा चैव भक्त्या च निरुपस्कृतः । शुद्धात्मा ब्राह्मणो रात्रौ निदर्शनमपश्यत ॥ Mb.12.271.14.
    1 not injured, unhurt.
    -2 auspicious, lucky.
    -उपाख्य a.
    1 unreal, false, non-existent (as वन्ध्यापुत्र).
    -2 immaterial.
    -3 invisible. (
    -ख्यम्) the supreme Brahman.
    -उपाधि (क) a. without qualities, absolute.
    -उपाय a.
    1 without expedients, helpless.
    -2 unsuc- cessful.
    -उपेक्ष a.
    1 free from trick or fraud.
    -2 not neglectful.
    -उष्मन् a. devoid of heat, cold.
    -गन्ध a. void of smell, scentless, unfragrant, inodorous; निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः. ˚पुष्पी f. the Śālmali tree.
    -गर्व a. free from pride.
    -गवाक्ष a. windowless.
    -गुण a.
    1 stringless (as a bow).
    -2 devoid of all properties.
    -3 devoid of good qualities, bad, worthless; निर्गुणः शोभते नैव विपुलाड- म्बरो$पि ना Bv.1.115.
    -4 without attributes; साकारं च निराकारं सगुणं निर्गुणं विभुम् Brahmavai. P.
    -5 having no epithet. (
    -णः) the Supreme Spirit. ˚आत्मक a. having no qualities.
    -गृहः a. houseless, homeless; सुगृही निर्गृही- कृता Pt.39.
    -गौरव a.
    1 without dignity, undignified.
    -2 devoid of respect.
    -ग्रन्थ a.
    1 freed from all ties or hindrances; आत्मारामाश्च मुनयो निर्ग्रन्था अप्युरुक्रमे । कुर्वन्त्यहैतुकीं भक्तिम् Bhāg.1.7.1.
    -2 poor, possessionless, beggarly.
    -3 alone, unassisted.
    (-न्थः) 1 an idiot, a fool.
    -2 a gambler.
    -3 a saint or devotee who has renounced all worldly attachments and wanders about naked and lives as a hermit.
    -4 A Buddha Muni.
    -ग्रन्थक a.
    1 clever, expert.
    -2 unaccompanied, alone.
    -3 deserted, abandoned.
    -4 fruitless. (
    -कः 1 a religious mendicant.
    -2 a naked devotee.
    -3 a gam- bler.
    -ग्रन्थिक a. clever. (
    -कः) a naked mendicant, a Jaina mendicant of the Digambara class.
    -घटम् 1 a free market.
    -2 a crowded market.
    -घण्टः See निघण्टः.
    -घृण a.
    1 cruel, merciless, pitiless.
    -2 shame- less, immodest.
    -घृणा cruelty.
    -घोष a. noiseless, still, calm.
    -जन a.
    1 tenantless, uninhabited, unfrequented, lonely, desolate.
    -2 without any retinue or attendants; भूयश्चैवाभिरक्षन्तु निर्धनान्निर्जना इव Mb.12.151.7. (
    -नम्) a desert, solitude, lonely place.
    -जन्तु a. free from living germs; H. Yoga.
    -जर a.
    1 young, fresh.
    -2 imperishable, immortal. (
    -रः) a deity, god; (nom. pl. निर्जराः -निर्जरसः) (
    -रम्) ambrosia, nectar.
    -जरायु a. Ved. skinless.
    -जल a.
    1 waterless, desert, destitute of water.
    -2 not mixed with water. (
    -लः) a waste, desert. ˚एकादशी N. of the eleventh day in the bright half of Jyeṣṭha.
    -जाड्य free from coldness.
    -जिह्वः a frog.
    -जीव a.
    1 lifeless.
    -2 dead; चिता दहति निर्जीवं चिन्ता दहति जीवितम्.
    -ज्ञाति a. having no kinsmen, alone.
    -ज्वर a. feverless, healthy.
    -दण्डः a Śūdra.
    -दय a.
    1 merci- less, cruel, pitiless, unmerciful, unkind.
    -2 passion- ate.
    -3 very close, firm or fast, strong, excessive, violent; मुग्धे विधेहि मयि निर्दयदन्तदंशम् Gīt.1; निर्दयरति- श्रमालसाः R.19.32; निर्दयाश्लेषहेतोः Me.18.
    -4 unpitied by any; निर्दया निर्नमस्कारास्तन्मनोरनुशासनम् Ms.9.239.
    -दयम् ind.
    1 unmercifully, cruelly.
    -2 violently, excessively; न प्रहर्तुमलमस्मि निर्दयम् R.11.84.
    -दश a. more than ten days old; यदा पशुर्निर्दशः स्यादथ मेध्यो भवे- दिति Bhāg.9.7.11.
    - दशन a. toothless.
    -दाक्षिण्य a. uncourteous.
    -दुःख a.
    1 free from pain, painless.
    -2 not causing pain.
    -दैन्य a. happy, comfortable.
    -दोष a.
    1 faultless, defectless; न निर्दोषं न निर्गुणम्
    -2 guiltless, innocent.
    -द्रव्य a.
    1 immaterial.
    -2 without property, poor.
    -द्रोह a. not hostile, friendly, well-disposed, not malicious.
    -द्वन्द्व a.
    1 indifferent in regard to opposite pairs of feelings (pleasure or pain), neither glad nor sorry; निर्द्वन्द्वो निर्ममो भूत्वा चरिष्यामि मृगैः सह Mb.1.85.16; निर्द्वन्द्वो नित्यसत्त्वस्थो निर्योगक्षेम आत्मवान् Bg.2.45.
    -2 not dependent upon another, independent.
    -3 free from jealousy or envy.
    -4 not double.
    -5 not contested, un- disputed.
    -6 not acknowledging two principles.
    -धन a. without property, poor, indigent; शशिनस्तुल्यवंशो$पि निर्धनः परिभूयते Chāṇ.82. (
    -नः) an old ox. ˚ता, ˚त्वम् poverty, indigence.
    -धर्म a. unrighteous, impious, unholy.
    -धूम a. smokeless.
    -धौत a. cleansed, rendered clean; निर्धौत- दानामलगण्डभित्तिर्वन्यः सरित्तो गज उन्ममज्ज R.5.43.
    -नमस्कार a.
    1 not courteous or civil, not respecting any one.
    -2 disrespected, despised.
    -नर a. abandoned by men, deserted.
    -नाणक a. coinless, penniless; Mk.2.
    -नाथ a. without a guardian or master. ˚ता
    1 want of protection.
    -2 widowhood.
    -3 orphanage.
    -नाभि a. going or reaching beyond the navel; निर्नाभि कौशेयमुपात्तबाणम् Ku.7.7.
    -नायक a. having no leader or ruler, anarchic.
    -नाशन, -नाशिन् a. expelling, banishing.
    -निद्र a. sleepless, wakeful.
    -निमित्त a.
    1 causeless.
    -2 disinterested.
    -निमेष a. not twinkling.
    -बन्धु a. without kindred or relation, friendless.
    -बल n. powerless, weak, feeble.
    -बाध a.
    1 unobstructed.
    -2 unfrequented, lonely, solitary.
    -3 unmolested.
    (-धः) 1 a part of the marrow.
    -2 a knob.
    -बीज a. seedless, impotent. (
    -जा) a sort of grape (Mar. बेदाणा).
    -बुद्धि a. stupid, ignorant, foolish.
    -बुष, -बुस a. unhusked, freed from chaff.
    -भक्त a. taken without eating (as a medicine).
    -भय a.
    1 fearless, undaunted.
    -2 free from danger, safe, secure; निर्भयं तु भवेद्यस्य राष्ट्रं बाहुबलाश्रितम् Ms.9.255.
    -भर a.
    1 excessive, vehement, violent, much, strong; त्रपाभरनिर्भर- स्मरशर &c. Gīt.12; तन्व्यास्तिष्ठतु निर्भरप्रणयिता मानो$पि रम्यो- दयः Amaru.47.
    -2 ardent.
    -3 fast, close (as embrace); कुचकुम्भनिर्भरपरीरम्भामृतं वाञ्छति Gīt.; परिरभ्य निर्भरम् Gīt.1.
    -4 sound, deep (as sleep).
    -5 full of, filled with (at the end of comp.); आनन्द˚, गर्व˚ &c. (
    -रः) a servant receiving no wages. (
    -रम्) excess. (
    -रम् ind.)
    1 ex- cessively, exceedingly, intensely.
    -2 soundly.
    -भाग्य a. unfortunate, unlucky.
    -भाज्य a. to be separated; स निर्भाज्यः स्वकादंशात् किंचिद्दत्वोपजीवनम् Ms.9.27.
    -भृतिः a. without wages, hireless.
    -भोगः a. not fond of plea- sures.
    -मक्षिक a. 'free from flies', undisturbed, private, lonely. (
    -कम्) ind. without flies, i. e. lonely, private; कृतं भवतेदानीं निर्मक्षिकम् Ś.2,6.
    -मज्ज a. fatless, meagre.
    -मत्सर a. free from envy, unenvious; निर्मत्सरे मत्समे वत्स... वसुन्धराभारमारोप्य Rāmāyaṇachampū.
    -मत्स्य a. fishless.
    -मद a.
    1 not intoxicated, sober, quiet.
    -2 not proud, humble.
    -3 sad, sorry.
    -4 not in rut (as an elephant).
    -मनुज, -मनुष्य a. tenantless, uninhabited, deserted by men.
    -मन्तु a. faultless, innocent.
    -मन्त्र a.
    1 a ceremony, unaccompanied by holy texts.
    -2 not familiar with holy texts; Mb.12.36.43.
    -मन्यु, -मन्युक a. free from anger; Mb.5.133.4.
    -मम a.
    1 free from all connections with the outer world, who has renounced all worldly ties; संसारमिव निर्ममः (ततार) R.12.6; Bg.2.71; निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः 3.3.
    -2 unselfish, disinterested.
    -3 indifferent to (with loc.); निर्ममे निर्ममो$र्थेषु मथुरां मधुराकृतिः R.15.28; प्राप्तेष्वर्थेषु निर्ममाः Mb.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -मर्याद a.
    1 boundless, immeasurable.
    -2 transgressing the limits of right or propriety, unrestrained, unruly, sinful, criminal; मनुजपशुभिर्निर्मर्यादैर्भवद्भिरुदायुधैः Ve.3.22.
    -3 confused.
    -4 insolent, immodest. (
    -दम्) ind. confusedly, topsy- turvy. (
    -दम्) confusion, disorder.
    -मल a.
    1 free from dirt or impurities, clear, pure, stainless, unsullied (fig. also); नीरान्निर्मलतो जनिः Bv.1.63.
    -2 resplendent, bright; Bh.1.56.
    -3 sinless, virtuous; निर्मलाः स्वर्गमायान्ति सन्तः सुकृतिनो यथा Ms.8.318.
    (-लम्) 1 talc.
    -2 the remainings of an offering made to a deity. ˚उपलः a crystal.
    - मशक a. free from gnats.
    -मांस a. fleshless; स्वल्प- स्नायुवसावशेषमलिनं निर्मांसमप्यस्थिकम् Bh.2.3.
    -मान a.
    1 without self-confidence.
    -2 free from pride.
    -मानुष a. uninhabited, desolate.
    -मार्ग a. roadless, pathless.
    -मिथ्य a. not false, true; H. Yoga.
    -मुटः 1 a tree bearing large blossoms.
    -2 the sun.
    -3 a rogue. (
    -टम्) a large free market or fair.
    -मूल a.
    1 rootless (as a tree).
    -2 baseless, unfounded (statement, charge &c.).
    -3 eradicated.
    -मेघ a. cloudless.
    -मेध a. without un- derstanding, stupid, foolish, dull.
    -मोह a. free from illusion. (
    -हः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -यत्न a. inactive, lazy, dull.
    -यन्त्रण a.
    1 unrestrained, unobstructed, uncontrolled, unrestricted.
    -2 unruly, self-willed, in- dependent.
    (-णम्) 1 squeezing out.
    -2 absence of restraint, independence.
    -यशस्क a. without fame, dis- creditable, inglorious.
    -युक्त a.
    1 constructed, built.
    -2 directed.
    -3 (in music) limited to metre and mea- sure.
    -युक्ति f.
    1 disunion.
    -2 absence of connection or government.
    -3 unfitness, impropriety.
    -युक्तिक a.
    1 disjoined, unconnected.
    -2 illogical, unmeaning.
    -3 unfit, improper.
    -यूथ a. separated from the herd, strayed from the flock (as an elephant).
    -यूष = निर्यास.
    -योगक्षेम a. free from care (about acquisition); Bg.2. 45.
    -रक्त a. (
    -नीरक्त) colourless, faded.
    -रज, -रजस्क a.
    (-नीरज, नीरजस्क) 1 free from dust.
    -2 devoid of passion or darkness. (
    -जः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -रजस् (नरिजस्) a. see
    नीरज. (-f.) a woman not men- struating. ˚तमसा absence of passion or darkness.
    -रत (नीरत) a. not attached to, indifferent.
    -रन्ध्र a.
    (नीरन्ध्र) 1 without holes or interstices, very close or contiguous, thickly situated; नीरन्ध्रनीरनिचुलानि सरित्तटानि U.2.23.
    -2 thick, dense.
    -3 coarse, gross.
    -रव a. (
    -नीरव) not making any noise, noiseless; गतिविभ्रमसाद- नीरवा (रसना) R.8.58.
    -रस a.
    (नीरस) 1 tasteless, unsavoury, flavourless.
    -2 (fig.) insipid, without any poetic charm; नीरसानां पद्मानाम् S. D.1.
    -3 sapless, without juice, withered or dried up; Ś. Til.9.
    -4 vain, use- less, fruitless; अलब्धफलनीरसान् मम विधाय तस्मिन् जने V.2.11.
    -5 disagreeable.
    -6 cruel, merciless. (
    -सः) the pomegranate.
    - रसन a. (
    नीरसन) having no girdle (रसना); Ki.5.11.
    -रुच् a. (
    नीरुच्) without lustre, faded, dim; परिमलरुचिराभिर्न्यक्कृतास्तु प्रभाते युवतिभिरुप- भोगान्नीरुचः पुष्पमालाः Śi.11.27.
    -रुज्, -रुज a. (नीरुज्, नीरुज) free from sickness, healthy, sound; नीरुजस्य किमौषधैः H.1.
    -रूप a. (नीरूप) formless, shapeless.
    (-पः) 1 air, wind.
    -2 a god. (
    -पम्) ether.
    -रोग a. (नीरोग) free from sickness or disease, healthy, sound; यथा नेच्छति नीरोगः कदाचित् सुचिकित्सकम् Pt.1.118.
    -लक्षण a.
    1 having no auspicious marks, ill-featured.
    -2 undisting- uished.
    -3 unimportant, insignificant.
    -4 unspotted.
    -5 having a white back.
    -लक्ष्य a. invisible.
    -लज्ज a. shameless, impudent.
    -लाञ्छनम् the marking of dome- stic animals (by perforating the nose &c.).
    -लिङ्ग a. having no distinguishing or characteristic marks.
    -लिप्त a.
    1 unanointed.
    -2 undefiled, unsullied.
    -3 indifferent to.
    (-प्तः) 1 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -2 a sage.
    -लून a. cut through or off.
    -लेप a.
    1 unsmeared, unanointed; निर्लेपं काञ्चनं भाण्डमद्भिरेव विशुध्यति Ms.5.112.
    -2 stainless, sinless. (
    -पः) a sage.
    -लोभ a. free from desire or avarice, unavaricious.
    -लोमन् a. devoid of hair, hairless.
    -वंश a. without posterity, childless.
    1 not speaking, silent.
    -2 unobjectionable, blameless; (for other senses see the word separately).
    -नम् ind. silently; माल्येन तां निर्वचनं जघान Ku.7.19.
    -वण, -वन a.
    1 being out of a wood.
    -2 free from woods.
    -3 bare, open.
    -वत्सल a. not loving or fondling (esp. children); निर्वत्सले सुतशतस्य विपत्तिमेतां त्वं नानुचिन्तयसि Ve.5.3.
    -वर = निर्दरम् q. v.
    -वसु a. destitute of wealth, poor.
    -वाच्य a.
    1 not fit to be said.
    -2 blameless, unobjectionable; सखीषु निर्वाच्य- मधार्ष्ट्यदूषितं प्रियाङ्गसंश्लेषमवाप मानिनी Ki.8.48.
    -वात a. free or sheltered from wind, calm, still; हिमनिष्यन्दिनी प्रातर्निर्वातेव वनस्थली R.15.66. (
    -तः) a place sheltered from or not exposed to wind; निर्वाते व्यजनम् H.2.124.
    -वानर a. free from monkeys.
    -वायस a. free from crows.
    -वार्य a.
    1 irresistible.
    -2 acting fearlessly or boldly.
    -विकल्प, -विकल्पक a.
    1 not admitting an alternative.
    -2 being without determination or resolu- tion.
    -3 not capable of mutual relation.
    -4 conditioned.
    -5 undeliberative.
    -6 recognizing no such distinction as that of subject and object, or of the knower and the known; as applied to समाधि or contemplation, it is 'an exclusive concentration upon the one entity without distinct and separate consciousness of the knower, the known, and the knowing, and without even self-consciousness'; निर्विकल्पकः ज्ञातृज्ञानादिविकल्पभेद- लयापेक्षः; नो चेत् चेतः प्रविश सहसा निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Bh.3.61; आत्मारामा विहितरतयो निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Ve.1.23.
    -7 (in phil.) not arising from the relation of the qualifier and the qualified, (विशेषणविशेष्यसंबन्धानवगाहि प्रत्यक्षं ज्ञानम्) said of knowledge not derived from the senses, as घटत्व. (
    -ल्पम्) ind. without hesitation or wavering.
    -विकार a.
    1 unchanged, unchangeable, immutable.
    -2 not dispos- ed; तौ स्थास्यतस्ते नृपती निदेशे परस्परावग्रहनिर्विकारौ M.5.14.
    -3 disinterested; तरुविटपलतानां बान्धवो निर्विकारः Ṛs.2.28. (
    -रः) the Supreme deity.
    -विकास a. unblown.
    -विघ्न a. uninterrupted, unobstructed, free from impediments; निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा. (
    -घ्नम्) absence of impedi- ment.
    -विचार a. not reflecting, thoughtless, incon- siderate; रे रे स्वैरिणि निर्विचारकविते मास्मत्प्रकाशीभव Chandr. 1.2. (
    -रम्) ind. thoughtlessly, unhesitatingly.
    -वि- चिकित्स a. free from doubt or reflection.
    -विचेष्ट a. motionless, insensible; यो हि दिष्टमुपासीनो निर्विचेष्टः सुखं शयेत् Mb.3.32.14.
    -वितर्क a. unreflecting.
    -विनोद a. without amusement, void of pastime, diversion or solace; शङ्के रात्रौ गुरुतरशुचं निर्विनोदां सखीं ते Me.9.
    -विन्ध्या N. of a river in the Vindhya hills; निर्विन्ध्यायाः पथि भव रसाभ्यन्तरः सन्निपत्य Me.28.
    -विमर्श a.
    1 void of reflec- tion, thoughtless.
    -2 not having विमर्श Sandhi.
    -विवर a.
    1 having no opening or cavity.
    2 without interstices or interval, close, compact; घटते हि संहततया जनितामिदमेव निर्विवरतां दधतोः Śi.9.44.
    -विवाद a.
    1 not contending or disagreeing.
    -2 undisputed, not contra- dicted or disputed, universally acknowledged.
    -विवेक a. indiscreet, void of judgment, wanting in discrimination, foolish.
    -विशङ्क a. fearless, undaunted, confident; Ms.7.176; यस्मिन्कृत्यं समावेश्य निर्विशङ्केन चेतसा । आस्यते सेवकः स स्यात् कलत्रमिव चापरम् ॥ Pt.1.85.
    -विशेष a. showing or making no difference, indiscriminating, without dis- tinction; निर्विशेषा वयं त्वयि Mb.; निर्विशेषो विशेषः Bh.3.5. 'a difference without distinction'.
    -2 having no difference, same, like, not differing from (oft. in comp.); निर्विशेषाकृति 'having the same form'; प्रवातनीलो- त्पलनिर्विशेषम् Ku.1.46; स निर्विशेषप्रतिपत्तिरासीत् R.14.22.
    -3 indiscriminate, promiscuous. (
    -षः) absence of difference. (निर्विशेषम् and निर्विशेषेण are used adverbially in the sense of 'without difference', 'equally', indiscrimi- nately'; क्रुद्धेन विप्रमुक्तो$यं निर्विशेषं प्रियाप्रिये Rām.7.22.41. स्वगृहनिर्विशेषमत्र स्थीयताम् H.1; R.5.6.).
    -विशेषण a. without attributes.
    -विष a. poisonless (as a snake); निर्विषा डुण्डुभाः स्मृताः.
    -विषङ्ग a. not attached, indifferent.
    -विषय a.
    1 expelled or driven away from one's home, residence or proper place; मनोनिर्विषयार्थकामया Ku.5.38; R.9.32; also
    -निर्विषयीकृत; वने प्राक्कलनं तीर्थं ये ते निर्विषयी- कृताः Rām.2.14.4.
    -2 having no scope or sphere of action; किंच एवं काव्यं प्रविरलविषयं निर्विषयं वा स्यात् S. D.1.
    -3 not attached to sensual objects (as mind).
    -विषाण a. destitute of horns.
    -विहार a. having no pleasure.
    -वीज, -बीज a.
    1 seedless.
    -2 impotent.
    -3 causeless.
    -वीर a.
    1 deprived of heroes; निर्वीरमुर्वीतलम् P. R.1.31.
    -2 cowardly.
    -वीरा a woman whose husband and children are dead.
    -वीर्य a. powerless, feeble, unmanly, impotent; निर्वीर्यं गुरुशापभाषितवशात् किं मे तवेवायुधम् Ve.3.34.
    -वीरुध, -वृक्ष a. treeless.
    -वृत्ति f. accomplishment, achievement; अत आसां निर्वृत्त्या अपवर्गः स्यात् । आतण्डुलनिर्वृत्तेः आ च पिष्टनिर्वृत्तेरभ्यास इति ॥ ŚB. on MS.11.1.27. -a. having no occupation, destitute. See निर्वृति.
    -वृष a. depriv- ed of bulls.
    -वेग a. not moving, quiet, calm.
    -वेतन a honorary, unsalaried.
    -वेद a. not acknowledging the Vedas, an atheist, infidel.
    -वेष्टनम् a. a weaver's shuttle.
    -वैर a. free from enmity, amicable, peaceable. (
    -रम्) absence of enmity.
    -वैलक्ष्य a. shameless.
    -व्यञ्जन a.
    1 straight-forward.
    -2 without condiment. (
    -नम् ind.) plainly, in a straight-forward or honest manner.
    -व्यथ, -न a.
    1 free from pain.
    -2 quiet, calm.
    -व्यथनम् a hole; छिद्रं निर्व्यथनम् Ak.
    -व्यपेक्ष a. indifferent to, regardless of; मृग्यश्च दर्भाङ्कुरनिर्व्यपेक्षास्तवागतिज्ञं समबोधयन् माम् R.13.25;14.39.
    -व्यलीक a.
    1 not hurting or offending.
    -2 without pain.
    -3 pleased, doing anything willingly.
    -4 sincere, genuine, undissembling.
    -व्यवधान a. (ground) uncovered, bare.
    -व्यवश्थ a. moving hither and thither.
    -व्यसन a. free from bad inclination.
    -व्याकुल a. calm.
    -व्याघ्र a. not haunted or infested by tigers.
    -व्याज a.
    1 candid, upright, honest, plain.
    -2 without fraud, true, genuine.
    -3 got by heroism or daring deeds (not by fraud or cowardly conduct); अशस्त्रपूतनिर्व्याजम् (महामांसम्) Māl.5.12. (v. l.)
    -4 not hypocritical; धर्मस्य निर्व्याजता (विभूषणम्) Bh.2.82. (
    -जम् ind.) plainly, honestly, candidly; निर्व्याजमालिङ्गितः Amaru.85.
    -व्याजीकृत a. made plain, freed from deceit.
    -व्यापार a.
    1 without employment or business, free from occupation; तं दधन्मैथिलीकण्ठनिर्व्यापारेण बाहुना R.15.56.
    -2 motionless; U.6.
    -व्यावृत्ति a. not invol- ving any return (to worldly existence).
    -व्रण a.
    1 un- hurt, without wounds.
    -2 without rents.
    -व्रत a. not observing vows.
    -व्रीड a. shameless, impudent.
    -हिमम् cessation of winter.
    -हेति a. weaponless.
    -हेतु a. cause- less, having no cause or reason.
    -ह्रीक a.
    1 shameless, impudent.
    -2 bold, daring.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > निर् _nir

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  • The Oxford Movement (1833-1845) —     The Oxford Movement (1833 1845)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Oxford Movement (1833 1845)     The Oxford Movement may be looked upon in two distinct lights. The conception which lay at its base, according to the Royal Commission on… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Shining (film) — The Shining Theatrical release poster Directed by Stanley Kubrick Produced by Stanle …   Wikipedia

  • The Carmelite Order —     The Carmelite Order     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Carmelite Order     One of the mendicant orders.     Origin     The date of the foundation of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has been under discussion from the fourteenth century to …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • neglected — /nɪ glektɪd/ adjective not well looked after ♦ neglected shares shares which are not bought or sold often ● Bank shares have been a neglected sector of the market this week …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • The Fountainhead — Fountainhead redirects here. For other uses, see Fountainhead (disambiguation). The Fountainhead   …   Wikipedia

  • The Voyage of the Dawn Treader — For the film adaptation of the novel, see The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader   …   Wikipedia

  • The Young and the Restless minor characters — The following are characters from the American soap opera The Young and the Restless who are notable for their actions or relationships, but who do not warrant their own articles. Contents 1 Current Characters 1.1 Genevieve …   Wikipedia

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